11/12 Grand Parade, Cork

+353 21 2355784

+353 21 4248822

pregnancy care - post pregnancy care

Under the Maternity & Infant Care Scheme your new baby will also have 2 free developmental check-ups from one of our GPs. These checks are at 2 weeks and 6 weeks.

The 2-week check is just for your baby and the 6-week check is for you both. The 6-week check-up requires a double appointment so please advise reception at the desk when you are booking.

The Public Health Nurse will also visit the baby at home during the first 6 weeks. This service is free-of-charge and will usually be organised before you and your baby go home from hospital after the birth.

We offer advice on all aspects of care for you and your new born and will support you with any issues that arise in relation to feeding, sleeping etc. We are a breastfeeding friendly practice and have baby changing facilities on site.