11/12 Grand Parade, Cork

+353 21 2355784

+353 21 4248822

child heatlh - growth & development

Growth & Development/GP Visit Cards for children under 8 years

Children under the age of 8 are entitled to free visits to a participating GP.

In addition to free GP visits, the GP visit card for children under 8 covers specific assessments at age 2 and 5 and care for children with asthma.

These assessments are preventive checks that include charting age, weight and height and taking appropriate follow-up action.

The asthma checks will assess your child’s asthma and review their medications, including ensuring that your child is using inhalers correctly. A written plan will be given to you to help you manage your child’s asthma. The initial check takes place when asthma is diagnosed in a child over 2 years of age, followed by another check in the following 3 months and then annually until the child reaches the age of 6.

You can apply online for the under 8 GP visit card at https://www2.hse.ie/services/gp-visit-cards/under-6s-gp-visit-card.html                                           

To register, you will need:

  • Your Personal Public Service (PPS) Number
  • The PPS Number of each child
  • Your choice of participating GP