11/12 Grand Parade, Cork

+353 21 2355784

+353 21 4248822

Fees & Payment

We are happy to treat anybody who requires medical assistance, whether you are a private patient or hold a medical or doctor visit card.

Visitors from the EU who hold a valid European Health Insurance Card do not have to pay for emergency GP visits during their stay.

If you are unsure if you are entitled to a medical card, please visit www.medicalcard.ie

The main insurers (VHI, Irish Life health & Laya ) all offer money back on GP visits. How much they give back depends on the plan you have but can be half or more of every consultation. It is worthwhile comparing plans to see which suits you best.


Our Fees are as follows: (Effective 01/02/23)

Doctor Consultation

  €60 (Students : €40 / MTU students €10)

Nurse Consultation   €30
Blood Test        €30  
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)   €60
Follow up Consultation       €40


Repeat Pill Prescription (Free if aged 18-26 years)   €40
Private Cervical smear   €140
Cervical smear (if eligible under cervical check)    Free
Antenatal care   Free
Childhood immunisations   Free

Implanon (Free of Charge for patients aged 18 -26 years inclusive)

Insertion   €100
Removal                   €120
Removal & re-insertion   €140

Coil Fitting -Mirena, Kyleena & Ballerine (Free of charge for patients aged 18 -26 years inclusive)

Initial consult & counselling   €60
Fitting & 6 week check   €160
Removal   €80
Removal & Re-insertion    €180


STI screen   €90
AMH Blood testing   €120 


Ear Syringing   €60
Cryotherapy      Covered by Private Health Insurance/Medical Card


Travel Vaccination  €60 plus cost of vaccine (see Travel Health section)


Health Screening (Well Woman / Well Man)   €180
Pre-employment medical    €90
Eye test   €60
Passport Form   €20 (all patients)  
Non-medical letters   €20 (all patients)
Repeat Prescription   €20


Items not covered by the medical card scheme:

There are certain consultations which are not part of the medical card scheme:

  • INR warfarin blood checks
  • Eyesight/driving license report 
  • Passport Form 
  • Non medical letters 
  • Sports club pre-membership medicals 
  • Travel Vaccinations (Cost of Vaccines)
  • Vaccinations not covered under the National Childhood Immunisation programme
  • Adult & Paediatric Phlebotomy (Blood Tests) 
  • Insurance or Medical Reports 
  • Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)

* Please contact reception for a full list of items not covered and for the associated fee